Monday, August 31, 2009

One Nation, Under Covered

Dear Senator Hutchison,

My name is Rowan Flowers and I am a RESULTS activist. I am writing to you today to encourage you to support the expansion of Medicaid, to ensure that everyone below 133% of the poverty line has access to the quality coverage that Medicaid provides. You are no stranger to the desperate need in your own home state, a state you hope to one day lead, and every state has its own story. Right now, every state also has its own funding crisis, some (Michigan) more than others (Texas). That is why it is very important that the federal government takes the initiative and finds the will to fund this expansion.

No union can be strong with a weak, sick or uneducated people. We doom ourselves by not tending to our most important infrastructure, our selves. It is essential to our survival. We are none of us separate or excluded from this shared fate. We are a nation, under covered.

Rowan Flowers

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