Thursday, September 10, 2009

O, Brother.... Where ART Thou?

Dear Representative Wilson,

I am appalled at your lack of civility, sir. Surely, coming from the South, you are aware of manners, of how to appropriately address someone. I know your momma raised you better than to yell at the President of the United States during a formal, televised event, calling the man a liar in the public forum. You showed incredibly poor judgment, astoundingly poor intelligence, and terrible rudeness. It was also libelous, inflammatory, and simply not helpful to the discourse that is needed.

Your people should demand more from you. I don’t know whether they will or not. If they do not, it is an equal failing on their part and shows an equal amount of small-thinking. I, however, do demand more from you than a sincere apology. I demand a truly good-faith show of effort for the American People, not just your constituents. I demand sweat and vigor for the Americans who are suffering, both those with and without healthcare, both those in and out of South Carolina. It’s time to put your money and effort, sir, where your mouth has already taken you.


Tracee Roanna Flowers
Austin, Texas by way of Spartanburg, South Carolina